Sunday, 31 August 2014

August 31st - Small Group Questions

1. What do you think are the greatest stresses in the life of the average North American (you might want to check out Why are these things stresses? Where does money rank among the greatest North American stresses?

2. Read Philippians 4:10-20.

3. What does Philippians 4:13 mean? What do you think “all things” refers to?

4. How do you presently need the strength of Christ? What victory are you looking for in your life?

5. Pastor Jon suggested that we need to recognize weakness and embrace Jesus. What does this mean?

6. What signs reveal if Jesus is your Lord or if money is your God?

7. How can you take a step towards trusting Jesus with your finances this week?

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Summer Series - Standing Firm in Christ - Leslie

Summer Series - Set Your Eye on Chirst - Jeff (August 10)

Summer Series - Light in the World - Jim (July 27)

Note: Skip 1:10 into the recording.

Summer Series - Humility The Last Defence - Nathan ( July 20)

Summer Series - Treasuring Christ (July 13) - Jon

Back to Basics - The Church

Back to Basics - Leadership