Sunday, 28 September 2014

Transformation Prayer - Luke 11:14-28

1. Can you think of a time when you felt useless or helpless? Describe this time. How did you react to this helplessness?

2. Read Luke 11:14-28.

3. We need authority in this life and have been given authority. Why?

a. People are in bondage. What are people in bondage to? What are the symptoms of bondage? How might we discern if someone is ill or in bondage? How is bondage broken?

b. Because Christ came to set captives free. What are some examples you can think of where captives have been set free by Christ?

c. Because this same authority must be exercised on our part. Where in Scripture do we see believers exercising authority? Have you seen it in your lifetime?

d. This authority must be exercised with wisdom, under God’s instruction. What did Pastor Bill mean by this?

4. Where do you need to see the power of Christ in your life/your family’s life?

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Finding it hard to Pray - John L

1. Spencer Vader shared about his bike journey across Canada to raise money for inner-city ministries. Share an “adventure” you have been on (hike, car trip, walk in a new city, etc.). Why did you go on this journey? What ministry most stirs your heart? How have you gotten involved in this ministry or how might you get involved in this ministry?

2. Describe someone from you past who you truly enjoyed talking with. What was it about this person that made discussion enjoyable?

3. Read Exodus 25:1-9. God wants to dwell with His people. What did this mean for Israel? How does He dwell with believers today? What does this mean for you?

4. Read Leviticus 9:23-24, 2 Corinthians 5:11, John 1:14, John 17:24-26 and Ephesians 1:13. What stands out to you in these passages?

5. Pastor Jon said that God has always been concerned with meeting His people. Do you agree? How have you experienced this?

6. Why do you think prayer is difficult for so many believers? What can be done to change ourattitude towards prayer?

7. What will you do this week as you seek to meet with God?