Small Group Discussion Questions
1. What is the “coolest” or “most amazing” thing that you have ever seen (eg. the Human Cannonball or a performance by Cirque du Soleil)? Spend a few minutes describing this marvel.
2. Refresh your memories on the works of Jesus. Have each person look up one of the works Jesus does in the Gospels and share this work with the rest of the group.
3. How do the works that Jesus did differ from the works of someone like Gandhi (if you don’t know much about the life of Gandhi, have some people in your group quickly skim through some of his actions in Wikipedia)?
4. What do you think Bill meant by saying that miracles/signs are inadequate, and that we should not be silent? As Leslie Newbigin once wrote: "We have to keep hold of both parts of the truth. Our evangelism will be futile if it is mere words not authenticated by deeds. But our deeds will be futile if they do not eventually find their full meaning in the message of the Gospel which has to be proclaimed by words."
5. Read John 14:12-14. What were the main points of the sermon? What is one thing that stood out for you from the sermon?
6. Recall some of the works of the early Church. Read Acts 2:1-13, 3:1-10, 5:12-16 and 20:7-12.
7. Have any of you ever seen or performed a work similar to these ones (or do you have a friend who has)? Describe this experience.
8. Many Christians in Canada wonder why we do not see more of these mighty works. Reflecting on today’s passage and on other passages which come to mind, what possible reasons can you find for this?
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