1. Who do you think is the most meek person in literature or cinema? Defend your answer. [ClarkKent is a possible answer]
2. Define meekness i. In the eyes of the world and ii. In the eyes of Christ. [From The Free Dictionary: 1. Showing patience and humility; gentle. 2. Easily imposed on; submissive. From Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology: “Late twentieth-century Western culture does not hold meekness to be a virtue, in contrast to the ancient Near East and the Greco-Roman world, which placed a high premium on it. This dramatic shift in values is problematic for contemporary biblical translation. Most modern versions replace the noun "meekness" by "gentleness" or "humility," largely as
a result of the pejorative overtones of weakness and effeminacy now associated with meekness. These connotations were not always predominant in the word, for ancient Near Eastern kings were not reluctant to describe themselves as meek in the same context in which they described themselves as mighty kings (Babylonian asru and sanaqu; Aramaic nh). What has prompted the discrepancy between the biblical and
contemporary attitudes toward this virtue? There are two essential components for this quality to come into play in the Bible: a conflict in which an individual is unable to control or influence circumstances [perhaps because it would be ungodly to do so]. Typical human responses in such circumstances include frustration, bitterness, or anger, but the one who is guided by God's Spirit accepts God's ability to direct
events ( Gal 5:23 ; Eph 4:2 ; Col 3:12 ; 1 Tim 6:11 ; Titus 3:2 ; James 1:21 ; 3:13 ). Meekness is therefore an active and deliberate acceptance of undesirable circumstances that are wisely seen by the individual as only part of a larger picture. Meekness is not a resignation to fate, a passive and reluctant submission to
events, for there is little virtue in such a response. Nevertheless, since the two responses (resignation and meekness) are externally often indistinguishable, it is easy to see how what was once perceived as a virtue has become a defect in contemporary society. The patient and hopeful endurance of undesirable circumstances identifies the person as externally vulnerable and weak but inwardly resilient and strong.
Meekness does not identify the weak but more precisely the strong who have been placed in a position of weakness where they persevere without giving up. The use of the Greek word when applied to animals makes this clear, for it means "tame" when applied to wild animals. In other words, such animals have not lost their strength but have learned to control the destructive instincts that prevent them from living in harmony with others. Therefore, it is quite appropriate for all people, from the poor to ancient Near Eastern kings, to describe their submission to God by the term "meek" (Moses in Num 12:3 ). On the other hand, this quality by definition cannot be predicated of God, and therefore constitutes one of the attributes of creatures that they do not share with their Creator. Nevertheless, in the incarnation Jesus is freely described as meek, a concomitant of his submission to suffering and to the will of the Father (Matt 11:29 ; 21:5 ; 2 Cor 10:1 ). The single most frequently attested context in which the meek are mentioned in the Bible is one in which they are vindicated and rewarded for their patient endurance ( Psalm 22:26 ;25:9 ; 37:11 ; 76:9 ; 147:6 ; 149:4 ; Isa 11:4 ; 29:19 ; 61:1 ; Zeph 2:3 ; Matt 5:5 ).] Pastor Bill said that meekness was strength under control. How do you see this in the life of Christ? How do you see it in the life of Paul?
3. Share an example of a time you saw meekness in action [remember Pastor Bill’s story of the man trained in martial arts who refrained from fighting a man who challenged him].
4. In our world it is the confident, type-A personalities who often seem to get ahead. How does this week’s message sit with such a person?
5. Look through some of these passages and discuss what they say about meekness: Gal 6:1, 2 Tim 2:25, 1 Peter 3:4, 1 Peter 3:15, and James 1:21.
6. Pray that city counsellors and staff would see the value of churches and leave all areas of the city open for churches to inhabit.
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