Sunday, 3 March 2013

Extraordinary Life Week 6 - Blessed are the pure in heart

Matthew 5:8

Extraordinary Life Week 6 - Blessed are the pure in heart by Tacblogs on Mixcloud

Small Groups – Week of March 3, 2013

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

1. Spend a few minutes reviewing the beatitudes we have examined so far (Challenge: can you memorize them together?). How have these beatitudes manifested themselves in your lives over the past two months? Have two or three people share.

2. Read Matthew 5:8 Mark 7:1-20.

3. What does it mean to be pure in heart? (Reflect on the nature of God. God is pure. How does your knowledge of God inform your understanding of being pure in heart? How does the impurity of humanity inform your understanding of being pure in heart? Reflect on the idea of an undivided heart.)

4. How can you tell if you are pure in heart? Can you tell if you are pure in heart? Can others tell if you are pure in heart?

5. Have a piece of paper and a pen available for everyone. Spend fifteen minutes (or more) privately journaling. Think of a ministry that you are regularly involved in. Is your heart pure as you participate in this ministry? Describe what it is that you do. Reflect on the last time you participated in this ministry. Why did you participate? What thoughts and feelings went through your mind as you were ministering? Can you honestly say that you were ministering out of love for God and love for neighbour? Were you ministering primarily to meet one of your own personal needs? Generally speaking, in which areas of life do you struggle with purity? Record these areas. Privately repent of these things.

6. In small groups of two or three (of the same sex) share one thing you learned about yourself as you were journaling. Pray for each other – that God would create in you a clean heart and give you victory over impurity.

7. Close by reading Psalm 27 to the group.

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