We have launched our new website! The sermon audio and small groups questions will now be posted here:
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Note: All audio older than July 2014 will still be housed here. So this blog will not be shut down.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Sunday, 19 October 2014
God at Work - 1 Luke 1
1. For the next several weeks we are planning to focus on living for God in the workplace. Go around your group and share:
i. The job you wanted to have when you were a child and why;
ii. What your current job is (if you do not work for an income, share what you spend your days doing: student, volunteer, searching for a job, stay-at-home parent, etc.). How does your commitment to Christ express itself in your “workplace”? What Bible verses guide you when it comes to working?
2. Read 1 Peter 1.
3. Pastor Bill said that when we are settling matters of identity in our workplace, we need to understand the nature of our citizenship. What does this passage say about our citizenship? What are some of the benefits and responsibilities that we have because of our citizenship?
4. When settling matters of identity in the workplace, we need to understand the nature of our access to God. What did Bill mean when he spoke about this? How does understanding our access to God help us thrive in the workplace?
5. When settling matters of identity in the workplace, we need to understand the nature of our nobility. We are God’s children. What difference should this make to our lives at work?
6. What is one thing you can do this week to better shine for Christ in your “workplace”?
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Thanksgiving Weekend (Sunday October 12)
(Skip 1:24 in to audio)
1. Many people take the time at Thanksgiving to share what they have been thankful for over the past year. Do this in your small group. Spend some time worshiping God for what He has done (with or without music).
2. Read John 4:1-42.
3. How is the woman at the well similar to people you regularly interact with? What insights for evangelism do you get from seeing how Jesus interacts with her?
4. What harvest is Jesus concerned with? Do you have any encouraging stories of harvest in recent days?
5. Jesus speaks of sower and reaper. What does each role represent? How do we see these roles in the church/in downtown Toronto today? What insights into ministry does the existence of these two roles give to us?
6. Do you believe that the fields are white for harvest today? Why or why not? How would believing this change you?
7. What do you believe your part in the harvest is? What are you going to do about this this week?
Transformation Prayer - Matthew 17:1-20 (Sunday Oct 5th)
1. Do you have any talents which you showed a lot of promise in, but have plateaued in as of late? Why would you say you showed much talent in this ability? Why have you since plateaued?What is needed to thrive in a particular skill? Is it fair/wise to compare a talent/skill to yourspiritual walk? Why or why not?
2. Imagine a wonderfully equipped playground full of kids playing. One is going down the slide, another digging in the sandbox, one climbing a tree, in the wading pool, on a swing, etc. How would you describe your current spiritual life by comparing it to a child in a playground? Why did you choose this image?
3. Read Matthew 17:1-20.
4. Have you ever had a significant mountaintop experience with God? Describe it to the group.What happened? What was the result of it (how did it impact you?)? What led you to thismountaintop? What can keep someone from finding themselves on the mountaintop?
5. Why might God want to reveal Himself in deeper ways to His people? How does someone become a person who longs for more of God?
6. What do you need to do as a result of this small group?
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Transformation Prayer - Luke 11:14-28
1. Can you think of a time when you felt useless or helpless? Describe this time. How did you react to this helplessness?
2. Read Luke 11:14-28.
3. We need authority in this life and have been given authority. Why?
a. People are in bondage. What are people in bondage to? What are the symptoms of bondage? How might we discern if someone is ill or in bondage? How is bondage broken?
b. Because Christ came to set captives free. What are some examples you can think of where captives have been set free by Christ?
c. Because this same authority must be exercised on our part. Where in Scripture do we see believers exercising authority? Have you seen it in your lifetime?
d. This authority must be exercised with wisdom, under God’s instruction. What did Pastor Bill mean by this?
4. Where do you need to see the power of Christ in your life/your family’s life?
2. Read Luke 11:14-28.
3. We need authority in this life and have been given authority. Why?
a. People are in bondage. What are people in bondage to? What are the symptoms of bondage? How might we discern if someone is ill or in bondage? How is bondage broken?
b. Because Christ came to set captives free. What are some examples you can think of where captives have been set free by Christ?
c. Because this same authority must be exercised on our part. Where in Scripture do we see believers exercising authority? Have you seen it in your lifetime?
d. This authority must be exercised with wisdom, under God’s instruction. What did Pastor Bill mean by this?
4. Where do you need to see the power of Christ in your life/your family’s life?
Monday, 22 September 2014
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Finding it hard to Pray - John L
1. Spencer Vader shared about his bike journey across Canada to raise money for inner-city ministries. Share an “adventure” you have been on (hike, car trip, walk in a new city, etc.). Why did you go on this journey? What ministry most stirs your heart? How have you gotten involved in this ministry or how might you get involved in this ministry?
2. Describe someone from you past who you truly enjoyed talking with. What was it about this person that made discussion enjoyable?
3. Read Exodus 25:1-9. God wants to dwell with His people. What did this mean for Israel? How does He dwell with believers today? What does this mean for you?
4. Read Leviticus 9:23-24, 2 Corinthians 5:11, John 1:14, John 17:24-26 and Ephesians 1:13. What stands out to you in these passages?
5. Pastor Jon said that God has always been concerned with meeting His people. Do you agree? How have you experienced this?
6. Why do you think prayer is difficult for so many believers? What can be done to change ourattitude towards prayer?
7. What will you do this week as you seek to meet with God?
Sunday, 31 August 2014
August 31st - Small Group Questions
1. What do you think are the greatest stresses in the life of the average North American (you might want to check out http://www.statisticbrain.com/stress-statistics/)? Why are these things stresses? Where does money rank among the greatest North American stresses?
2. Read Philippians 4:10-20.
3. What does Philippians 4:13 mean? What do you think “all things” refers to?
4. How do you presently need the strength of Christ? What victory are you looking for in your life?
5. Pastor Jon suggested that we need to recognize weakness and embrace Jesus. What does this mean?
6. What signs reveal if Jesus is your Lord or if money is your God?
7. How can you take a step towards trusting Jesus with your finances this week?
2. Read Philippians 4:10-20.
3. What does Philippians 4:13 mean? What do you think “all things” refers to?
4. How do you presently need the strength of Christ? What victory are you looking for in your life?
5. Pastor Jon suggested that we need to recognize weakness and embrace Jesus. What does this mean?
6. What signs reveal if Jesus is your Lord or if money is your God?
7. How can you take a step towards trusting Jesus with your finances this week?
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Monday, 9 June 2014
Friday, 6 June 2014
Back to Basics - Learning to Trust Jesus
1. Describe a time when you lost focus.
2. Read Galatians 3:1-6.
3. How does a person get a supernatural life? How do you get God’s Spirit in you?
4. How does Christianity differ from other major religions?
5. Share an example of spiritual victory in your life – how something that once mastered you is now under your feet.
6. How do you live a supernatural life?
7. What does it mean for your Christian life to be performance based? Is your Christian walk performance based? Have you come to a point in your life where you have acknowledged that you can’t do it (love like God loves, live a righteous life the way God does, forgive, etc.) and admitted that you needed God to work these things in you?
8. What does it mean that the supernatural life is the Christ life, not the me life?
9. Pastor Bill calls us to rest? He also spoke about the Lordship of Christ and the idea of power. What did he say about these three things?
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Small Groups – Importance of Reading Scripture
1. Are you a reader? What types of books do you most enjoy? What is it about these books that you find most compelling/interesting?
2. Read Acts 17:10-15.
3. What is one thing that stands out to you in this passage?
4. If you were speaking with a new believer and you wanted to impress upon them the importance of reading Scripture, what points would you want to make?
5. Paul and Silas are devoted to the calling God has given them. How are you using your gifts/time/energy to pursue the calling God has put upon your life? What keeps you serving God? Whathinders your ministry?
6. What things do you receive eagerly? Why should the Gospel be received with eagerness?
7. Have you ever looked at Scripture to check something a pastor/teacher/friend has said? Share this experience.
8. Practically speaking, how can you make Scripture a more important part of your day?
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Flee, Follow, Fight
- What are some examples of passivity or indecisiveness that people (or you) experience?
- Why are sins, bad habits, set patterns of thinking so familiar to us? (in other words, why do we yield to an unbiblical stance)
- Do you think the 'love of money' drives you or motivates you to certain behaviours, thoughts or actions?
- What kind of Spirit is given to us?
- What sort of pursuits should we pursue that Paul encourages Timothy to do?
- What would you say to our 'shy' nature that would encourage us to fight and move forward from passivity to action?
- The opposite of passivity is engagement. What should we do to respond to passivity that Pastor Bill encourages us to do? What is something that I should respond to in my life?
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Mother's Day
1. How has your mother been a protector for you (share a story if you can)? How has your mother kept you from doing wrong?
2. Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8.
3. What stands out to you in this passage? Why?
4. What is lawlessness? What is the mystery of lawlessness? How is it already at work in family life? In school? At work?
5. How do you think lawlessness is being restrained? Is the church used to restrain lawlessness? If so, how?
6. Pastor Bill told a story about his mother in which she ended a conversation with him by saying, “Bill, I have won many battles.” Have someone retell this story. What did she mean? How does this story encourage/challenge you?
7. Pray for various institutions in our city (schools, government, marriage, etc.). Pray that evil would be restrained and that God’s kingdom would come in these institutions.
2. Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8.
3. What stands out to you in this passage? Why?
4. What is lawlessness? What is the mystery of lawlessness? How is it already at work in family life? In school? At work?
5. How do you think lawlessness is being restrained? Is the church used to restrain lawlessness? If so, how?
6. Pastor Bill told a story about his mother in which she ended a conversation with him by saying, “Bill, I have won many battles.” Have someone retell this story. What did she mean? How does this story encourage/challenge you?
7. Pray for various institutions in our city (schools, government, marriage, etc.). Pray that evil would be restrained and that God’s kingdom would come in these institutions.
Monday, 5 May 2014
Missions Week - Week 2
1. What are some popular “life missions” that people today might have (i.e. What do people live for today?)? How well do these missions fit with the Great Commission?
2. Read Acts 1:3-8.
3. What are some of the key ideas in this passage?
4. What comes to mind when you hear: “The whole church taking the whole Gospel to the whole world”?
5. The Alliance is being challenged to be: Christ-Centred. Spirit-Empowered. Mission-Focussed. What do each of these expressions mean? What practical impact might they have on our lives?
6. The Global Mission Purpose Statement of the Christian and Missionary Alliance is: “To glorify God by developing indigenous movements of reproducing churches among least reached people groups.” What ideas stand out to you from this statement? What can you do to further this mission? What can your small group do?
7. What has God been saying to you this week at our mission conference?
8. Pray around this denominational prayer as you close: “O God, with all our hearts we long to be a movement of churches transformed by Christ, transforming Canada and the world.”
2. Read Acts 1:3-8.
3. What are some of the key ideas in this passage?
4. What comes to mind when you hear: “The whole church taking the whole Gospel to the whole world”?
5. The Alliance is being challenged to be: Christ-Centred. Spirit-Empowered. Mission-Focussed. What do each of these expressions mean? What practical impact might they have on our lives?
6. The Global Mission Purpose Statement of the Christian and Missionary Alliance is: “To glorify God by developing indigenous movements of reproducing churches among least reached people groups.” What ideas stand out to you from this statement? What can you do to further this mission? What can your small group do?
7. What has God been saying to you this week at our mission conference?
8. Pray around this denominational prayer as you close: “O God, with all our hearts we long to be a movement of churches transformed by Christ, transforming Canada and the world.”
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Missions Week - Doing Justice: A Reflection of God's Love
Message By: Joanne Beach - Justice and Compassion
For more information about Justice and Compassion. http://justiceandcompassion.com/
(*note: Recording had some technical issues)
Small Group Questions:
1. Describe an injustice you witnessed or experienced which stirred your emotions. What did you do about this injustice?
2. Read Ezekiel 16:49-50 and Isaiah 58. What do these passages teach you about the heart of God?
3. What is justice? What is compassion? Should the church work for justice and compassion? Why or why not?
4. What is one story or statistic which Joanne Beach shared that stands out for you? Why does it stand out for you?
5. How do you see compassion in the life of Jesus?
6. Look through the Alliance Justice and Compassion catalogue
(if you don’t have one, you can find it online at http://issuu.com/revealed/docs/ajc-giftcatalogue-2013-2014?e=1308445/4511649).
As a cell group pray for some of the ministries in the catalogue. Do any of them stand out as something God wants you to get involved in?
Monday, 21 April 2014
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Transformative Prayer - For Revival
Psalm 85:6
Scripture teaches us to pray for revival, as in this verse. Why is that important?
What happens to God's people that they need to be revived? How is Christ's visit to the temple on Palm Sunday (Luke 19) a picture of this?
From this verse, what is the byproduct of a revived people? How does that help us to know whether or not we need to be revived?
It is true that revival is a sovereign work of God; He does it in His time and His way. However it is also true that there are things we can do to welcome and invite God's revival; that we can have revival now. What are those things that we can do now to become revived, from verses 6-9 of this psalm?
From the J. Edwin Orr article on prayer and revival, what stands out to you? What do you learn from this article about the nature and the prerequisites of revival?
Close in prayer; praying this prayer - for you, for us. A deeply transformative prayer.
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Sunday April 6th
1. Have you or someone you know ever experienced divine healing? If so, share this experience with the group.
2. Share some of the stories of healing you know of in the Bible (look some up if you need to). What do these stories make you think? What do they make you feel?
3. Read James 5:13-18.
4. What is one thing that stands out to you in this passage?
5. When should we call the elders to pray? What do you learn about faith in this passage? What do you learn about confession? What do you learn about elders?
6. What does it make you think, to know that Elijah was a man with a nature like ours?
7. What questions do you have about divine healing? What insights can other group members give you about these questions?
8. If God heals, should we still go to doctors? Why or why not?
9. What keeps us from following the instructions in this passage?
10. Where do you need healing in your life right now? Are there any areas of your life where you are grieving God (if appropriate, feel free to share these with your group)?
2. Share some of the stories of healing you know of in the Bible (look some up if you need to). What do these stories make you think? What do they make you feel?
3. Read James 5:13-18.
4. What is one thing that stands out to you in this passage?
5. When should we call the elders to pray? What do you learn about faith in this passage? What do you learn about confession? What do you learn about elders?
6. What does it make you think, to know that Elijah was a man with a nature like ours?
7. What questions do you have about divine healing? What insights can other group members give you about these questions?
8. If God heals, should we still go to doctors? Why or why not?
9. What keeps us from following the instructions in this passage?
10. Where do you need healing in your life right now? Are there any areas of your life where you are grieving God (if appropriate, feel free to share these with your group)?
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Transformative Prayer - Missional Prayer
1. Have you ever been locked out of your house? Share this story. How did you get back in? Where were your keys?
2. What is a key? What does a key do? What does a key represent? What are the benefits of having a key? What does it mean if you don’t have a key?
3. Pastor Bill shared two keys in relation to prayer: 1. Prayer in the name of Christ and 2. Prayer in the Spirit.
4. Read John 14:12-14.
5. What does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus? Discuss some of the points that Pastor Bill made. [To not pray in our own name; Only the fingerprint/handprint of Christ opens the door to answered prayer; The credit card of prayer has Christ’s name on it; We must be in Christ and love Him; Christ is our means of access; We can pray with confidence even in the midst of accusations by the enemy]
6. Read Ephesians 6:10-20 (18a) and Jude 20.
7. What does it mean to pray in the Spirit? Discuss some of the points that Pastor Bill made. [Not limited to praying in tongues; Dependent upon the Spirit; Slow down and listen to the Spirit; Need His strength to pray and protection while we pray; God wants to make our prayers like bullets (clarity)].
8. What do you think God wants you to do as a result of hearing this message and participating in this small group?
9. Have everyone in the group share the name of one person who needs to believe in Christ. End your time to together with missional prayer for these individuals.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Transformative Prayer - For the Leadership
1. Who are the people you pray for most often. Why these people?
2. Read Colossians 4:12-13.
3. What have you learned about prayer so far throughout this series? Has your prayer life changed throughout this series? In what ways?
4. Is there a story or illustration from the sermon that stands out for you (cell phone, church praying for their unbelieving pastor)? Which one? Why does it stand out for you?
5. Do you find that a prison is a hindrance or that it is just another place where God leads you to minister to people you'd otherwise never be able to meet - or do you have another view?
6. How should we pray for our pastors - what are the key areas of their lives and ministries that need to be lifted up to God on a regular basis?
7. Finish the small group by spending an extended period of time praying for the leadership of TAC.
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Prayer That Brings People into Maturity
1. What are a few things that you are absolutely convinced of (eg. the world is round(ish); you exist; etc.)? What gives you confidence in these things?
2. Read 1 John 5:13-21.
3. What does John say in verse 13? What gives you confidence in your faith? What can negatively affect someone’s confidence? What do you do in times of doubt?
4. What questions do you have in regards to verses 14-15? How have you seen the truth of these verses in your life?
5. What do you learn about our responsibility to pray for other believers in this passage? What might keep us from praying for someone who has sinned?
6. What do you think God wants you to do as a result of hearing this message/reading this passage/participating in this small group?
7. Who are some family members or friends caught in sin who your group could pray for? Finish the night by praying for these names.
Sunday, 2 March 2014
Intercessional Prayer
1. Can you think of anyone who regularly prays for you (or who used to regularly pray for you)? What difference did their prayers make?
2. What does intercession mean?
3. Is there a time when you pestered someone to get what you wanted or when you were pestered? Share this example.
4. Read Luke 11:1-13.
5. What most stands out to you from this passage?
6. Where do Torontonians turn when they are in need? How do we make God the first Person we turn to in our need? Should we make Him the first Person we turn to? Why or why not?
7. Shameless and stubborn persistence in prayer – do we have it? Why do many people lack persistence in prayer? Why is it a good thing?
8. Read this short story about the great man of faith: George Mueller:
One day George Mueller began praying for five of his friends. After many months, one of them came to the Lord. Ten years later, two others were converted. It took 25 years before the fourth man was saved. Mueller persevered in prayer until his death for the fifth friend, and throughout those 52 years he never gave up hoping that he would accept Christ! His faith was rewarded, for soon after Mueller’s funeral the last one was saved.
What insights/encouragements do you gain from this story? How are you challenged to grow in your own prayer life?
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Transformative Prayer
Passage: 7 fold call to prayer from John 14-16
Transformation in us and our world is related directly to prayer. Prayer is key to transformation:
a. from being overwhelmed to overcoming (John 14:12-14)
What was overwhelming the disciples at this time? How do these words bring comfort to them?
What overwhelms you in life? How do these words impact your overwhelming situation?
b. from being fruitful to exceedingly fruitful (John 15:7-8, 16)
Is it possible to be a Christian and not fruitful? (15:2).
Describe God's intention in our lives regarding fruitfulness. (15:2, 8, 16)
Describe the relationship between fruitfulness and prayer (7-8, 16)
What is the fruit that you would ask Him for today?
c. from joy to fullness of joy (16:22-24)
What is the joy that every Christian has which can never be taken away?(16:22)
What is the path to fullness of joy? (16:23-24)
Are you growing in that?
d. from hesitant to confident with God (16:25-27)
How does confidence in the love of God affect our practice of prayer?
How may you grow in confidence in the love of God?
What does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus?
Are there any promises like these anywhere, by anyone, under any circumstances?
Praise God for these promises and commit to take hold of them this week.
Monday, 17 February 2014
Our Church Vision - Make Disciples
1. Can your group recall the main ideas from the previous three sermons on the vision of Toronto Alliance Church?
2. Who is one person who has had a significant impact on your life? Describe your relationship with this person: How did their personality rub off on you? How did they teach you? What is the most important lesson you learned from him or her?
3. Read Matthew 28:16-20. As a group, spend a few minutes trying to memorize verses 18-20. Why is it a good passage to have memorized?
4. How would you define a disciple? Are there any biblical verses which guide your definition?
5. When does discipleship begin? Is it possible to be a believer in Christ but not a disciple? Discuss.
6. Reflecting on the passage: Why do you think Jesus speaks about His authority before giving the commission? How are disciples made? What does the knowledge of Christ’s presence do for the disciple maker?
7. How can you personally go and make disciples in Toronto? Has anyone in your group ever felt a calling to missions? Do you still sense this calling (from time to time)?
8. Who are some people in your life you would like to see become disciples or who are you presently discipling? In groups of 2 or 3 pray for these people.
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Our Church Vision - Restoring Broken Lives
1. What has Bill taught about the vision of TAC so far (prior to this past Sunday)? When you reflect on these ideas, how do they impact/affect you?
2. The vision of TAC is “Restoring broken lives.” What does this mean? Who are the broken who need to be healed? How have you seen TAC fulfilling this vision?
3. Read Mark 14:1-10.
4. Pastor Bill said that as God restores us He causes us to have eyes for Christ only. Do you see this in today’s passage? If so how? Have you seen this in your life or in other’s lives? Share about this.
5. Pastor Bill said that the woman does not have her eyes on other people. What does this mean? What happens when we focus on others and not on Christ?
6. The woman does something beautiful for Jesus. Why might she have done so? How can we do beautiful things for Him today?
7. Pastor Bill said that it is never a waste when something is devoted to Christ. What did he mean by this?
8. Pray for one another – that God would continue to restore your own lives (perhaps share an area of brokenness that still needs His healing). Pray for friends and/or family members who need His healing. Pray that your eyes would be on Christ.
Monday, 3 February 2014
TAC - Our Church Vision - Our Connection with History
1. As a denomination, what is the Christian and Missionary Alliance known for?
2. Describe something that you have had to rebuild or remake.
3. What does the prefix re mean? What comes to mind when you hear the word rebuild? What do you know of TAC’s re-build?
4. Read Jeremiah 33:1-11.
5. Have everyone share one thing which stands out for them from this passage. What are some things you might learn about God’s work of rebuilding from this passage? [Pastor Bill said that when God does a rebuild God calls us to prayer; he said that when God does a rebuild it is a rebuild of people; he said that God rebuilds for His own glory.]
6. Recall some of the stories Pastor Bill shared from Footprints. Do you know of any other stories from the early Alliance? What is the benefit of remembering such stories?
7. The early Christian and Missionary Alliance spent much time ministering to the poor and broken. Who are the poor and broken in Toronto today? Pray for some of the poor and broken people you know personally.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Our Church Vision - A Thriving Church
1. What do you think is the vision of McDonalds? The Toronto Maple Leafs? Martha Stuart?
2. Pastor Bill is planning to spend four weeks exploring the vision of TAC. Why is this important to do?
3. We are called to be a thriving church in the heart of the city. What does a thriving church in Toronto look like?
4. Read 1 Corinthians 1:1-9.
5. Who does the church belong to (v. 2)? What are the implications of this?
6. A church is unique. What are some things which make TAC different from a church in the Toronto suburbs? From a church in rural Ontario? From a church in Dubai? How does TAC embrace its uniqueness?
7. A church is Christ-centred. How many times is Christ mentioned in this passage?
8. What does it mean to be “sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people”? What are some other benefits of believers we see in this passage?
9. Pastor Bill said that a thriving church sees differently. What did he mean by this?
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Sunday Jan 19th
1. Can you think of a movie or book or perhaps even an example from the sporting world where someone was superseded by someone younger or newer than him or her? How did the one being superseded react to this?
2. Read John 3:22-30.
3. What does it mean to surrender? What place does surrender have in the Christian life? PastorJon referred to story of Naaman (see 2 Kings 5). Why did he bring this story up in this message?
4. John the Baptist refers to the friend of the bridegroom in this passage. What significance does this reference have for understanding John the Baptist’s priority?
5. “You are not Christ.” What does this statement mean for your Christian walk?
6. “He must increase, but I must decrease.” What does this mean? What does this mean for you personally?
2. Read John 3:22-30.
3. What does it mean to surrender? What place does surrender have in the Christian life? PastorJon referred to story of Naaman (see 2 Kings 5). Why did he bring this story up in this message?
4. John the Baptist refers to the friend of the bridegroom in this passage. What significance does this reference have for understanding John the Baptist’s priority?
5. “You are not Christ.” What does this statement mean for your Christian walk?
6. “He must increase, but I must decrease.” What does this mean? What does this mean for you personally?
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