Sunday, 30 March 2014

Transformative Prayer - Missional Prayer

1. Have you ever been locked out of your house? Share this story. How did you get back in? Where were your keys?

2. What is a key? What does a key do? What does a key represent? What are the benefits of having a key? What does it mean if you don’t have a key?

3. Pastor Bill shared two keys in relation to prayer: 1. Prayer in the name of Christ and 2. Prayer in the Spirit.

4. Read John 14:12-14.

5. What does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus? Discuss some of the points that Pastor Bill made. [To not pray in our own name; Only the fingerprint/handprint of Christ opens the door to answered prayer; The credit card of prayer has Christ’s name on it; We must be in Christ and love Him; Christ is our means of access; We can pray with confidence even in the midst of accusations by the enemy]

6. Read Ephesians 6:10-20 (18a) and Jude 20.

7. What does it mean to pray in the Spirit? Discuss some of the points that Pastor Bill made. [Not limited to praying in tongues; Dependent upon the Spirit; Slow down and listen to the Spirit; Need His strength to pray and protection while we pray; God wants to make our prayers like bullets (clarity)].

8. What do you think God wants you to do as a result of hearing this message and participating in this small group?

9. Have everyone in the group share the name of one person who needs to believe in Christ. End your time to together with missional prayer for these individuals.

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